14 Febbraio 2025

Dopo la vittoria nella gara di sabato entrambi i piloti BMW i Andretti Motorsport a punti a Londra.

In una tumultuosa gara domenicale, Maximilian Günther (GER) e Jake Dennis (GBR) hanno ottenuto punti preziosi nella classifica generale dell’ABB FIA Formula E World Championship.

Londra. In una tumultuosa gara domenicale, Maximilian Günther (GER) e Jake Dennis (GBR) hanno ottenuto punti preziosi nella classifica generale dell’ABB FIA Formula E World Championship. Günther aveva iniziato la tredicesima gara della stagione dalla sesta posizione in griglia e ha tagliato il traguardo nella stessa posizione. Dennis ha seguito la sua vittoria all’E-Prix di Londra (GBR) sabato con una coraggiosa prestazione di recupero, recuperando otto posizioni per finire nono, dopo essere partito dalla 17esima posizione in griglia. Un drive-through poco prima della fine della gara ha vanificato le sue possibilità di un miglior piazzamento. La MINI Electric Pacesetter ispirata a JCW, la Safety Car ufficiale della FIA Formula E, è apparsa due volte dopo che si erano verificati incidenti.

Günther ha guidato una gara imponente dopo un sabato deludente. Aveva dato prova del suo ritmo durante la sessione di qualifiche mattutina, assicurandosi un posto nella competizione Super Pole per la settima volta in questa stagione. Ha raggiunto il sesto posto nella battaglia per le posizioni in griglia, registrando un tempo di 1:20.398 minuti. Günther non è stato in grado di evitare tutti gli incidenti mentre la gara procedeva al centro espositivo di Londra, ma ha mostrato molta resistenza per mantenere la sua posizione fino al traguardo.

Dennis ha dato un’altra buona prestazione nella sessione di prove libere, chiudendo la sessione al secondo posto come aveva fatto il giorno precedente. Tuttavia, la sua posizione di partenza nella classifica piloti ha significato che doveva competere nel primo gruppo di qualifiche. È stato il primo pilota in pista e si è assicurato il terzo posto, prima di essere riportato al 17° nel corso della sessione. Dennis ha lanciato un inseguimento vivace in gara e ha trascorso un po’ di tempo davanti a Günther prima di essere riportato al nono posto a causa di una penalità drive-through per un’infrazione tecnica.

Il debuttante in Formula E Dennis è ora quarto nella classifica piloti, con 81 punti. Günther è al 15° posto, con 62 punti. La BMW i Andretti Motorsport è quinta nella classifica a squadre con 143 punti.

Il finale della stagione 7 si svolgerà tra tre settimane, presso l’ex aeroporto di Berlino-Tempelhof (GER). Dopo che le gare 14 e 15 hanno completato la stagione, un pilota sarà incoronato campione del mondo per la prima volta nella storia della Formula E.

London (GBR), 23rd- 25th July 2021. ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, Season 7, London E-Prix, Maximilian GŸnther (GER) #28 BMW iFE.21, BMW i Andretti Motorsport. Ê Ê

Reazioni a Gara 13 a Londra.

Roger Griffiths (Team Principal BMW i Andretti Motorsport, classifica squadre: 5° posto):

“The second race here in London was much more eventful. Everyone was a little more conservative yesterday but it was much more aggressive today. In the end, we finished with both cars in the points. That’s what we came here for and that is what helps us in the championship. Maximilian came home in sixth place; Jake finished ninth. It was a great performance from Jake, who worked his way up from P17 after a somewhat disappointing qualifying session. Maximilian reached Superpole again. We are now fifth in the team standings and we had a great time here in London. Formula E organised a fantastic event. Now we are heading into the final two rounds of the world championship in Berlin. Let’s see what we can achieve.”

London (GBR), 23rd- 25th July 2021. ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, Season 7, London E-Prix, Jake Dennis (GBR) #27 BMW iFE.21, BMW i Andretti Motorsport.

Jake Dennis (#27 BMW iFE.21, starting position: 17th place, race result: 9th place, points: 81, driver standings: 4th place):

“Overall, we can be very happy with our weekend. We scored points twice and had a win to celebrate. My car behaved really well from FP1 to the final race on Sunday. We were superfast in each session. I don’t think that we were ever outside the top five, apart from during qualifying of course. We moved up from 17th to seventh place and then I got a drive-through penalty, so that was a bit of a shame. But overall, it was a great weekend. Now I am looking forward to Berlin.”

London (GBR), 23rd- 25th July 2021. ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, Season 7, London E-Prix, Maximilian GŸnther (GER) #28 BMW iFE.21, BMW i Andretti Motorsport. Ê Ê

Maximilian Günther (#28 BMW iFE.21, starting position: 6th place, race result: 6th place, points: 62, driver standings: 15th place):

“All in all, it was a solid day. I felt good in my car during free practice and built a good foundation for qualifying. I can also be very pleased with group qualifying. I put in a good lap in Superpole, although the first drops of rain had started to fall. We were just two tenths of a second away from pole position, which shows how close it was. We were banking on racing in the rain, but unfortunately that didn’t happen so the pace was not quite ideal. I also had the feeling that we could have used attack mode better to finish higher up, but in motorsport there’s no point thinking about could have, would have. We gave it everything and scored some good points.”

The FANBOOST vote.

FANBOOST gives Formula E fans the opportunity to vote for their favourite driver and award them an extra boost of power during the race. The five drivers with the most FANBOOST votes receive an extra 100 kJ of power, which they can make use of during a brief time frame in the second half of the race. Fans can vote for their favourite driver in the four days prior to, and leading up to 15 minutes into, each race. Each fan can vote once per day. There are two ways to vote: Online at https://fanboost.fiaformulae.com/ or via the official Formula E App.

The BMW Group Safety Cars.
The BMW Group has been represented in the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship as ‘Official Vehicle Partner’ since the very beginning and will continue to provide the fleet of safety cars for season 7 of the fully-electric racing series. Alongside the BMW i8 Roadster Safety Car (fuel consumption (combined): 2.0 l /100 km; energy use (combined): 14.5 kWh /100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 46 g/km)*, which has been modified specially for racing use, the MINI Electric Pacesetter inspired by JCW will be appearing as a new safety car from the Rome E-Prix onwards. The development of the car based on the new MINI Cooper SE represents a hitherto unique collaboration between MINI Design, BMW Motorsport, the FIA and Formula E. The fleet also includes the BMW i3s (Power consumption in kWh/100: 14.6-14.0 (NEDC); 16.6-16.3 (WLTP), electric range in km: 278-283 (WLTP))* as ‘Race Director Car’ and the BMW iX3 (Power consumption in kWh/100: 17.8-17.5 (NEDC); 19.0-18.6 (WLTP), electric range in km: 450-458 (WLTP))* in its roles as ‘Medical Car’ and ‘Rescue Car’.